Fratelli Branca Distilleries

November 10 – January 7, 2016 | Branca Museum – Milan (Italy)

Fratelli Branca Distilleries, historic Milan-based company, celebrating 170 years of activity during the Corporate and Business Culture Week, with special openings of the Museum and a spectacular contemporary art exhibition by Cracking Art, a group of artists known for over twenty years of huge regenerated plastic and colorful animals installations around the world. The historical site of Distilleries Branca in Via Resegone 2 is a symbol of cultural and industrial heritage in Milan: it is one of the last historical factories survived unchanged over time and it is still a fundamental part of the city.
Branca Museum, with over 1000 square meters, was inserted in the Museimpresa circuit by the president Nicholas Branca and preserves the historical memory of a company that for 170 years was a symbol of Made in Italy all over the world. Stills, grinders, flavorings, spices, but also visual materials and an extraordinary archive of advertising posters from the nineteenth century drive the visitor on a multi-sensory journey to discover history, flavors and aromas of its most famous products: the Fernet-Branca, the Brancamenta and the Punt e Mes, just to name a few.
But this is also a cultural journey between tradition and changing business environment. Visiting the collection, it will be possible to admire one of the wineries containing more than 800 oak casks for Fernet-Branca and Stravecchio Branca maturation and exceptionally, only for this occasion, the great Mother of Botte Stravecchio Branca, with a capacity of 83,000 liters ol-three.
Museum Branca enterprise, by mid-nineteenth century to the late twentieth century, witness to the history of communication innovation and expression of an era, with a watchful eye to the future. And it is precisely in the name of this constantly changing (“novate preserving” which means innovate keeping still, is the company motto) and a dialogue between art and business culture that Branca renews collaboration with Cracking Art.
From November 10 until 7 January 2016, the plant and the Collection Branca welcome – for the first time in a company museum – snails, wolves, frogs and swallows from the spectacular zoo made of recycled plastic and nontoxic by Cracking Art group.
The artworks will flood the vast spaces of the historic production plant to celebrate the meeting of contemporary art with the enterprise system that made the cultural history of this Italian city. And once again, the combination of art and business, come from longstanding practice, is at the center of a symbolic cross, testify by the playful but authoritative presence of virtuous Cracking animals.
The attention to the quality and competence as fundamental elements of Italian culture is one of the pillars of thought and actions by Cracking Art movement.
For this particular appointment and throughout the period of the Corporate Culture Week, Branca Museum will open at the following times: from Tuesday 10 to Thursday 19 Novem-ber from 19.00 to 21.00; Saturday 14 and Sunday, November 15 from 10.00 to 15.00.
Places are limited and visits must be booked by email or phone. The length of the path history is about 1½ hours, and visitors will have access to the permanent collections and to the colorful invasion of Cracking Art. The entrance, at the behest of the same family Branca, it’s free.