Giant swallows in Siena

September 9 - October 31, 2015 | "Rigeneramento", Fortezza Medicea and La Lizza Garden - Siena (Italy)

Cracking Art involves the city in a spectacular installation of “Art that regenerates Art”.
From September 9 to October 31, Cracking Art giant swallows made of atoxic and recyclable plastic are exhibited within Siena’s historical paved roads, through an ideal itinerary between ancient and contemporary art.
The main Cracking Art purpose is the participation of all the citizens to a project for a new urban fabric arrengement that will be realized by young architects and designers. Siena will be invaded by swallows, symbols of freedom and spring, espacially in Fortezza Medicea and La Lizza Garden areas.
”Art that regenerates Art” is the slogan of “Rigeneramento”, the name of the exhibition that will involve all the citizens in a reciprocal exchange in order to regenerate Siena, gem of the Italian monumental history.
The citizens can become part of the project by adopting a frog, a meerkat or one of the other animals and showing them in front of their shops during the invasion period. At the same time, giant swallows will be exhibited by Cracking Art artists along the monumental urban itinerary.
The installation was sponsored by Mara Boscarini and supported by “Play with Art” Committee.